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BIO212 (BIO)

Week 4 Lecture Exam BIO212 Anatomy and Physiology I

 The movement of oxygen from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration is an example of ______.                                

 Vesicles play a role in what?                                      

 What cellular structures allow for internal cellular transsport and make up the internal structure of cilia and flagella?                                   

 A cell placed in an isotonic solution will ________.                                          

  In what direction does osmosis occur when a cell is bathed in a hypertonic solution?                                              

  What is an uncontrolled growth of tissue that has traveled via the bloodstream to other parts of the body called?                                 

  What process is used in order to replace liver cells that have died and been removed from a tissue?                                  

  Translation turns a(n) __________ transcript into a protein.                                        

   Amino acid structures attached only to the inside of the plasma membrane are called what?                                  

   Accessible DNA used for transcription is most likely found in what form?                               

   The reproductive system is the only organ system that utilizes _________.                                           

   Extracellular fluid is found _________                                   

   What nucleic acid pairs with Thymine in DNA?                                   

   Which of the following does not have a membrane?                                       

   A __________ is dissolved into a __________.                                   

  Which of the following refers to the dense connective tissue that surrounds a muscle and blends with the tendon?                                    

  ________ connective tissue is a type of ________ connective tissue.                                       

 Which structures separate epithelial tissue from connective tissue?                                         

 Which of the following cellular attachments is found in the lateral surface and with the help of intermediate filaments connects many neighboring cells in a tissue together?  

 What does the term keratinized indicate?                                           

 Which type of loose connective tissue contains primarily lipids?                                 

 Stratified columnar tissue in the digestive tract has structures called microvilli on its __________ surface that aid in nutrient absorption.                                       

 The lining of the heart and blood vessels is called...                                         

 Which of the following is classified as mesothelium?                                      

 Describe the role of fibroblasts in connective tissue.                                       

 Lymph belongs to which of the following types of connective tissue?                                       

 The three types of protein fibers in connective tissue are                                             

 Nervous tissue cells that function as support cells are called...                                    

Cells that engulf bacteria or cell debris within loose connective tissue are                                             

_______ secrete hormones and prohormones in the interstitial fluid, which later enters blood.                                   

 Name four cellular organelles or major structural components and describe their function in the cell. 

 Nucleus contains DNA away from the rest of the cell for its protection and regulation 

 A friend of yours has purchased a colorful new saltwater fish, but instead of going through the hassle of setting up the saltwater tank, they have placed the fish in fresh water.  Explain to your friend in detail what will happen to the cells of the fish and why. 

What will happen is the fish will die, the water will enter the fish causeing swelling. 

Define the terms diffusion and osmosis.  In your own words, explain the force that causes either of these processes to occur. 

 You have two types of molecules.  A small hydrophobic molecule is just outside a cell and a large group of negatively charged protein is located inside the cell.  Name the membrane transport method each of these molecules/groups must use to be transported across the membrane in opposite directions.  Explain why they use that method. 

Describe the anatomical features of a serous membrane and explain how they carry out that function.

 Explain the anatomical differences between the types of muscular tissue.                                            

 Name the four membranes of the body.  Choose one of those you’ve named, name the specific tissues that make it up and its specific function in the body. 

 Explain two similarities and two differences between dense regular and dense irregular connective tissues.  (hint: Their names or categorization does not count)





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