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BIO212 (BIO)

Week 2 Lecture Exam BIO212 Anatomy and Physiology I

Define organ

What is the study of tissues called? 

Which plane divides the body into top and bottom parts? 

Which direction does the afferent pathway travel? 

What is the central abdominopelvic region? 

How many different classes of tissues exist in the body? 

Pollex is the __________ region of the body. 

Which type of body tissue is used for a covering? 

Which of the following is arranged in correct order from the most  complex to the  simplest

Inguinal is the __________ region of the body. 

The heart is ________ to the lungs. 

Visceral pericardium is located 

The epigastric abdominopelvic region is found in the __________. 

An anatomical term that means the  same as "ventral"  is 

What are the differences between gross anatomy and microscopic anatomy? 

A ________ is a homogeneous mixture of two substances. 

Which of the following best describes a buffer? 

The portion of metabolism concerned with breaking molecules apart is called.

Adenosine triphosphate is a(n) _________. 

An atom that loses an electron is called a(n) ___________. 

Atoms of the same element whose nuclei contain the same number of protons, but different numbers of electrons, are called 

The chemical behavior and bonding of an atom is determined by the 

In a(n) _________ reaction, water is added to a chemical bond to break it.

Water molecules form _______________ bonds between themselves and other water molecules. 

What is the activation energy of a reaction? 

When atoms complete their outer electron shell by equally sharing electrons, they form... 

What binds to the active site of an enzyme? 

Which of the following best describe isotopes? 

Glycogen is 

Which property of water helps keep body temperature stabilized? 

Explain the purpose of establishing a standard anatomical position 

If you see a doctor for abdominal pain, the doctor will ask you to describe or show them where the pain is located.  Explain how this helps the doctor diagnose your pain 

Explain the purpose of homeostatic regulation.  Provide two examples of situations in which a homeostatic regulation would be activated 

Explain the difference between negative and positive feedback 

Name the subatomic particles.  Explain what happens to an atom if you change the number of each of its subatomic particles individually 

Name the three general classes of chemical reactions.  Explain how they differ 

The information provided for chlorine comes from the periodic table of elements.  Use this to 

  1. How many electron shells are present in an atom of Chlorine?  Explain how to determine this. 
  2. How many electrons are in the valence shell?  Explain how to determine this 

Explain how water’s unique property of heat capacity allows us (humans) to survive in relatively hot weather 



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